
Submit Your Project Proposal  

Win a chance to collaborate with Phase Genomics on a metagenomics research project. The grand prize winner will receive a full-service ProxiMeta Metagenome Deconvolution project, including proximity-ligation and shotgun library prep, sequencing, and analysis. Characterize a microbial community of your choice and assemble hundreds of  bacterial and eukaryotic genomes, associate plasmids and phage with hosts, and discover novel microbial life.

Submit your proposal by August 1, 2019 August 8, 2019. The four project finalists will be announced on September 4, 2019 via twitter based on scientific merit, novelty, and impact. After a week of public voting, the project with the most votes will be named the 2019 Metagenomics Award winner and will receive a full ProxiMeta service project

With ProxiMeta, you can explore the microbiome with confidence. Only high-quality microbial genomes can provide true insights into the dark matter of the microbiome. Submit your proposal for the 2019 Metagenomics Award today!


8 August 1 August                     Deadline for Entries
4 September                               Finalists Announced
5-12 September                          Vote for Projects @PhaseGenomics Twitter
12 September                             2019 Metagenomics Award Announcement


*For Research Purposes Only. Not for Diagnostic or Clinical Use.

2019 Metagenomics Award